Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mo Money, MoProblems

I wish money wasn't so important. I wish it didn't define who we are and the things that we do in our life. So many decisions in our lives are based on money and all it does it keep us unhappy. We can't do the things that we want, the things that we are passionate about because they either cost too much money or keep us from making the money that we need to survive. Raise your hand if you would still be at your job, or school if money were not an issue. I'm willing to bet that just about no one raised their hands. I know I didn't. So what's the solution? No really, what is it? I don't want to be a part of this rat race anymore. It's exhausting! Do I quit my job and go live in a commune in Iowa, growing crops? Singing kumbaya? I'm pretty sure that's not going to work for me. Do I keep plugging away, continuing to run the race, chasing after the money that will still, not make me happy? I need answers people! Someone reading this has to have some wise words to impart. I'll even throw in a quarter to the wisest!