As serious as life can be sometimes, we've all had moments in our life that we can look back on and get a good chuckle out of. I have many such moments, most of them were humorous at my expense. I do, however, have one moment that I can always count on to make me smile and since everybody deserves a good smile, I'm going to share it with you whether you like it or not.
If you know me at all, you know I have a dog named Monkey. He's the sweetest thing and of course, I love him to pieces. I work long hours though and the guilt of leaving him home alone for such long stretches got to me and so I have a dog walker who comes in to, well, walk him. She is a nice older woman, probably in her late 50's to early 60's and she has been taking care of Monkey since I got him. Unfortunately, she happens to be a tad bit scatterbrained. Some days she comes at the wrong time, sometimes she even comes on the wrong day. It's not usually a problem but out of this scatterbrained-ness (I know it's not a word!) comes one of the funniest memories I have.
Monkey has a best friend, her name is Callie. She was his very first friend and Callie's owner/mother and I are also very good friends. Monkey is a small shih-tzu and Callie is a not so small German Shephard. Strange combination but best friends they are. We were having a play date one day, only Monkey was at the groomers getting his hair did. When he was done, we left to pick him up, leaving Callie at the house. On our way to the groomers I get a very panicked phone call from my dog walker.
"Hi, Joy? It's ___________ " (i'll leave names out to protect the innocent)
"Hi ___________. How are you?"
"Well," and I can hear the panic in her voice "I'm at the house, and there is a very big German Shephard here and no Monkey." Now I can only imagine what could have been running through her head at this point.
"Oh," i'm cracking up at this point "you weren't supposed to be at the house today. It's tomorrow that I need you. Monkey is at the groomers. That is his friend Callie. She is very sweet, she won't bite or anything"
"I'm sure she is very sweet but she won't let me leave! She is standing in front of the front door and won't budge"
So here is this poor woman, expecting my little 15 pound guy, walking into my house and being completely surprised by a not so little German Shephard! Not only that, but the not so little German Shephard is guarding the door and won't let her leave. I think I would have been just as panicked as this poor woman but instead, I was barely able to control the hysterical laughter that was fighting to come out as I pictured what was going on in the house in my head. She finally managed to escape by throwing a treat away from the door and all ended well. You would think this close encounter with the Shephard kind would have taught this woman to be a little less scatterbrained, but alas, it hasn't. Maybe next time I will have to find a Great Dane!
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