Thursday, February 3, 2011

Give me back my brain! Please?

The brain is a funny thing. You have no control over what it does. You may think you do, it lulls you into a false sense of security that way, but just when you think you have it under control, it takes over and BAM! You're life is not it's own anymore. It's like the old Epcot show Cranium Command (for those of you who remember it) where there is a troop of "brain soldiers" charged with the efficient running of the brain. Well that troop doesn't always follow orders, sometimes they take matters into their own hands and like to have a little fun at my expense (or yours for that matter).

Here is how my brain soldiers are ruining my life right now. Insomnia. I don't want it, don't want to even hear the word but yet, the brain soldiers have decided that now is the right time to torment me with this. I'm tired, I can feel it. My eyes are heavy, I have dark circles and I have no motivation to accomplish anything, but yet, the brain soldiers have taken over and here I sit having had no more than a wink of sleep last night and ready to pull my hair out. I get all nice and comfy in my bed, turn off the tv, turn off the light and wait. Still waiting... And, still waiting, but nothing! It's as if my brain has forgotten how to fall asleep and the longer I lie there, the more anxious I become about not being able to fall asleep and the longer I stay awake. I have even resorted to sleep aids but to no avail. They work only when the brain soldiers let them. Last night it was melatonin but the brain soldiers decided they were having too much fun tormenting me and brushed off the melatonin like it was nothing.

So here is my plea brain soldiers... Cut it out! I'm taking control of my brain back! I want to sleep so for heaven's sake and for the sake of all of co-workers who have to deal with me cranky due to no sleep, GIVE ME BACK MY BRAIN!!!


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